DJ Kraatz rockin' it out to read with our 4 legged friend!

Thanks everyone for your help at Family Literacy Night!

Enjoy #HuronForward Podcast n. 71 w/State Sen. Jim Stamas discussing Michigan's vitality. https://www.ags-schools.org/huron-forward-podcast

Dancing Phenoms from AGS!

The Final Four from the Nissan Thinkfast Interactive Challenge.

Congrats Nissan Thinkfast Interactive Champions...Team Stars!!!

Nice job AGS Thinkfast Interactive "actors"!

Cool! Sra. Rodarte's classes are linking art and language into the Middle School's March is Reading Month theme & shared book, Wonder. #MIRM

The greatest part of my days is visiting classrooms. What an amazing start to my Tuesday being treated to my own concert by our band! Wow!!

On behalf of @AuGresRobotics, & our Wolverbots Team 6611, we wish to express a huge "Thank you!" to Bopp-Busch Mfg. Co. for sponsorship!

Check out this information about a great entrepreneur workshop opportunity hosted by the Arenac County EDC. #AGSdailyshare #WhyNotAuGres

Thanks to Mrs. Pauly’s 3rd graders for taking a “reading roadtrip” and coming to read with us yesterday! @agsschools #agsdailyshare

Join @BAISD for a great Tech Camp on 4-21-18. Awesome sessions w/feat. keynotes @kevinhoneycutt & Techbradwaid! #AGSdailyshare #GLBtech2018

Team 6611 is looking for volunteer help for the Alpena FIRST Competition.

Great Gracious Professionalism!

Go WolverBots!

Enjoy #HuronForward Podcast n. 70 feat. Chris Woods (@dailystem) to discuss and celebrate #STEM everyday. @RemarkableChat https://www.ags-schools.org/huron-forward-podcast

Game on in Midland!

Check out Mrs. Murphy's Kindergarten feat. on TV 5's Weather Kids video! http://www.wnem.com/clip/14221009/weather-kids-au-gres-elementary

Live from Midland! Come watch us compete this weekend!